Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Love actually♡

I really enjoyed to read this book because this book is very interesting for me:) It's first time to read this book!! In this book my most favorite character is the prime minister because he is very handsam,interesting,very gentleman, and very kind:)
In this book my most favorite scene is when he going to meet her!!! He is really really handsam♡I want to recommend this book for other ESL student:)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

video games:)

When I was child,I played the Mario cart game. It was very fun and almost children played the this game when they are child. 

This game makes us happy,laugh,exciting,and fun♡♡

This game can do many people:)

Now, I'm doing the Pazzle&Dragon!

This game use your brain. You can improve your brain ability:) There are a lot of character in this game! You can evolute this character♡

This game can do on your cellphone♡If you have free time, you can do this game!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I like to travel with the car or bus!!because when I take a train or  airplane, I need a lot of money:( I want to use money only travel!!

The car is can relaxing and can eat some food ♡But sometimes we can't find the parking and when we got a traffic jam we lose our time:( but I like to ride a car to go travel♡

Thursday, October 31, 2013

 My favorite animals
My favorite animal is dogs and cats:) Because my family has many dogs and cats:)We have five Chihuahua dogs and four  tortoiseshell cats<3They are very cute!!! My favorite dog of five is named Yuki<33
Yuki is a male. He is 11 years old.When I was a junior high school srudent, I bought him. He lives with us. He can do some accomplishments like shake and play dead. He can't run for a long time and he couldn't wait to eat.But now he can wait to eat food.When I throw the ball, he can catch it. I think he is intelligent, because when I call him, he always comes to me and he doesn't do toilet in the wrong places. He sometimes takes my food. I want to meet him early. I can't meet him for three months, because I came to Canada.When I go back to my home in Japan, I want to hug him. I love my Yuki so much!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If I have a lot of money, I always go to shopping. Because I like to shopping. And I will buy a lot of clothes, shoes, accessories, and bags!!
Next, I will save money. Because I need a lot of money in the  future. And I want to go to a lot of  place with my family. I want to go America, Canada, and Australia<33

Finally, I want to contribute to need the money countries. I want to volunteer activity with use the money. For example, I go to a stricken area to an earthquake or tsunami. I want to help anything!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Favorite season☆

My favorite season is spring:)The reason is I like to see the cherry blossom! In spring I always go to flower viewing and talk with my friend under the tree! Second I like spring’s weather! I wanna come back to Calgary in spring!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hello, everyone:)welcome to my blog! My name is Momoka:) I'm from Japan! Please call me Momoka:) I'm a study abroad student from Japan! I can't speak English too much:( So, I want to speak English too much. I stay in Calgary just three month! It's too short term for me:( I don't want to come back Japan! Because I love Canada, Calgary! But I miss Japan a little bit:(   My hobby is watching TV, movie and go to shopping<3 I love dogs and cats<3But I don't like snakes:( Nice to meet you:)