Thursday, October 31, 2013

 My favorite animals
My favorite animal is dogs and cats:) Because my family has many dogs and cats:)We have five Chihuahua dogs and four  tortoiseshell cats<3They are very cute!!! My favorite dog of five is named Yuki<33
Yuki is a male. He is 11 years old.When I was a junior high school srudent, I bought him. He lives with us. He can do some accomplishments like shake and play dead. He can't run for a long time and he couldn't wait to eat.But now he can wait to eat food.When I throw the ball, he can catch it. I think he is intelligent, because when I call him, he always comes to me and he doesn't do toilet in the wrong places. He sometimes takes my food. I want to meet him early. I can't meet him for three months, because I came to Canada.When I go back to my home in Japan, I want to hug him. I love my Yuki so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute dog. :) It sounds like he's very well behaved too. I generally prefer cats, but I think some dogs are quite fun.

    My favorite animals are dogs and cats because my family has many of them.

    He can do some tricks like shake a paw and play dead.
